Monday, April 19, 2021

Veil of Forgetfulness

Veil of forgetfulness 
Please help him remember this
Wake Aurora with a kiss
Activate a paradigm shift
To the north our eyes do lift
We begin to move towards it
From a void to utter bliss
Could this be my fulfillment?
Other half to explore with
Queen of Cups with the Hermit
This is my heart's deepest wish

Linden Tree

Linden Tree
You left me
Your offspring 
I must be
One half beast
Still your seed
I don't see
Can't believe
Wounded me
I'm reeling
But proceed
By learning 
And teaching
My baby
We're healing

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Speaking Spells

I stand at a wishing well
Dreaming up and speaking spells
Sacred pool of water flows
Heart-shaped Persian ivy grows 
Cosmic egg is cracking now
Showing me just where and how
Light and stardust spilling down
Creeping fig upon the ground 
Magic music notes float up
Fill the air with love and luck 
Wind carries my symphony
Signals my soul family
Lover, lion, dragonfly
I become a butterfly

Aaliyah, Selena

Aaliyah, Selena
Beyonce, Aretha
Goddesses, visionaries
Musicians, luminaries 
Mariah, Fiona
Fortuna and Florence
Eternal, prolific
Mysterious, cryptic
Prithivi, Ashanti
Isolde, Stefani
Romantic, expressive
Compelling, progressive
Madonna, Natasha
Inanna and Gaga
Empowered, volcanic
Like Britney, like Janet
Alecia, Xtina
Sade and Shakira
Songstresses, dancers
Lionesses, panthers 
Creative, receptive 
Uplift the collective 
These women, these healers
Such beautiful creatures 
We love you, we thank you
And can do the same too

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Mutual Magic

Beautiful days
Infinite ways
To be inspired and appreciate 
Then I create
Later relay
Share with the world what I've learned this day
Lay on the earth
Thank it, converse
Ask for the blessings of ocean and turf
Butterfly wings
Caterpillar kings
My heart is happy and my mind serene
Close my eyes, breathe 
Fall asleep, dream
Mutual magic of Earth and her being

12 Signs

Watch a Leo lion glow
Allow a Sag archer to roam
Gemini twins look apart
Two Pisces fish create art
Cancer crab will find it hard
Cap does finish what he starts
Scorpio sees in the dark
Libra balances your heart
Aries ram will make his way 
Virgo's always there to stay
Taurus bull builds slow and fair
Aquarius was never there

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Avenue of Baobabs

Avenue of Baobabs
Dream that they could never have
Dear departed amoureux 
Juliet and Romeo 
Separated physically 
Faced impossibility 
Praying to the Heavens though
That it would combine them both
Witch doctors assisted with
Joining them in nature's kiss 
Malagasy poetry
Reunited in a tree
Ylang ylang and vanilla bean
Love across the centuries